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article thumbnail Title Name : PERSONA 4 : THE ANIMATION SEASON 1 + 2 女神异闻录4  No. Of Disc : 4 DVD (37 Episodes)  Version : Japanese Subtitles  :...
Blue Dragon Season 1+2 (TV 1 - 102 end) DVD PDF Print E-mail
Written by ximin   
Wednesday, 11 September 2013
Title Name      : Blue Dragon 蓝龙 Season 1 + 2
No. Of Disc : 9DVD (102 Episodes)
Version : Japanese / Mandarin /Cantonese
Subtitles  : Chinese / English / Malay
Barcode  : 955532915420
Item Code : VBG0293
Selling Price : RM79.90
Format  : DVD9
Genre : Adventure, comedy, fantasy
Season 1
As Shu's village was beeing attacked by an unknown enemy, he and his friends, Jiro and Kluke decide to defend their home. They soon meet warior Zola and recive the powers of Shadow, an ability that let's them transfor thier shadow into a powerfull monster. Shu recives one of the most powerfull monsters, Blue Dragon, and they all set out to defeat their enemy.
《蓝 龙》的大致剧情是依靠心之光生出龙之影的主人公修为了拯救世界和伙伴一起战斗,主角修是一位好奇心很强的16岁少年。这出冒险活剧里,将会上演各种相遇和 离别,体验喜悦和苦恼,为玩家带来久违的感动。有一天,修和他的朋友们发现他们的影子变成了怪物的形状,而“影子”正是本作游戏系统的关键词。在游戏中, 主角一行最终将会面对试图使用被遗忘的远古强大魔法让世界陷入混沌的魔王Nene。修可以用自己的行动操控作为他影子的蓝龙,每一个角色的影子都有不同的 形态,Jiro的影子是一头米诺牛,Kluke的影子是是一只凤凰。
Season 2
After the events of the Blue Dragon series, Shu & Bouquet joined a resistance group to fight General Rogi's army of invasion.They encountered a mysterious child ,Noi, who has the power to revive Shu's shadow counter-part Blue Dragon, and saves Noi from the pursuant of a red dragon. Now Shu and his company has to set foot once again on a journey to discover the purpose of the dragons, undergo their tests and stop the chains of events which threatens the fate of humanity.
蓝 龙第二季副标题为“天界的七龙”,制作阵容基本和第一季一致。这次的时间背景设定为前作的两年后。失去了蓝龙的修现在还是没有闲着,还不断与敌人的军队 战斗。有一天修他们的基地附近落下了什么东西,听到爆炸声后修他们立刻赶到现场,在这里他们发现了一个迷之少年罗伊,还有修他们即将要面对的敌人。人类的 未来又再一次托付于这名热血少年修之手。修将和蓝龙,及其伙伴们展开新一轮的冒险。 
Last Updated ( Wednesday, 11 September 2013 )
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