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article thumbnail Title Name : PERSONA 4 : THE ANIMATION SEASON 1 + 2 女神异闻录4  No. Of Disc : 4 DVD (37 Episodes)  Version : Japanese Subtitles  :...
Seitokai Yakuin Domo Season 1+2 Vol.1-26 DVD9 PDF Print E-mail
Written by ximin   
Wednesday, 18 June 2014
Title Name

: SEITOKAI YAKUIN DOMO SEASON 1 + 2  生徒会役員共 第2期 VOL.1-26 END  

No. Of Disc : 2 DVD9 (26 Episodes)
Version : Japanese
Subtitles  : Chinese / English / Malay
Barcode  : 9555652701283
Item Code : GM 0129
Selling Price : RM49.90 
Format  : DVD9
Genre : Comedy, School, Shounen



Tsuda Takatoshi is about to begin his first year in Ousai Academy. His decision to enter Ousai was based upon it being close to his home and he paid no heed to the fact he'd be among the first boys to enter the recently gender-integrated school.On his first trip to school, Takatoshi is surrounded by girls; the train has nothing but girls, the walk to school has nothing but girls and once he finally arrives he is approached by a group of girls and summarily appointed vice-president of the student council and, as expected, he is the only boy there. Now Takatoshi finds himself surrounded by crazy girls who do nothing but horrify him with their candid conversations about feminine hygiene products and, what's worse, assume he's the worst kind of man, the kind who doesn't clean himself and watches porn all day long.

创校已有 50 年的女子高校私立樱才学园,因受到少子化的冲击,不得不改制为男女合校。但因为是第一年同时进行男女招生,男生人数还相当稀少,全校男女生的比率为女生 524 :男生 28 人。故事的男主角津田隆利,作为改制后第一年入学的28名男性新生之一,因缘际会之下被拉入了学校的学生会。在外人眼中,学生会正常应该像是后宫一般的人间天堂,但是在津田身边的三位学生会女干部的性格都非常独特。这些对异性有着好奇心的青春期少女们,藉着以讹传讹的错误知识以及天马行空的脑内补完,不断的爆出许多惊人之语。不过,原本应该要是婉若身处于后宫之中的男主角,却必须忙着吐槽女生们,根本毫无闲情逸致体验美好的校园生活。

Tsuda Takatoshi bersekolah di Ousai Academy, sebuah SMA yang asalnya hanya dikhususkan untuk murid-murid wanita, kemudian dirubah menjadi campuran karena menurunnya angka kelahiran di Jepang dengan perbandingan antara pria dan wanita di sekolah tersebut adalah 28:524. Di hari pertamanya, dia dipaksa untuk masuk menjadi wakil presiden ketua OSIS yang mewakili semua pria untuk menjadi salah satu anggota staff OSIS. Cerita ini secara garis besar menceritakan tentang Tsuda dan anggota OSIS yang saling berinteraksi satu sama lain dengan candaan yang kocak.

Last Updated ( Wednesday, 18 June 2014 )
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