One Piece BOX 18 (TV 644 - 667)DVD
Written by ximin   
Monday, 08 December 2014
Title Name
: One Piece 海贼 BOX18
No. Of Disc : 6 Disc (24 Episodes)
Version : Japanese
Subtitles  : Chinese / English / Malay
Barcode  :9555652701610
Item Code :GM 0162
Selling Price : RM49.90 
Format  : DVD 
Genre : adventure, comedy, drama, fantasy
Before he was executed, the legendary Pirate King Gold Roger revealed that he had hidden the treasure One Piece somewhere in the Grand Line. Now, many pirates are off looking for this legendary treasure to claim the title Pirate King. One pirate, Monkey D. Luffy, is a boy who had eaten the Devil's Fruit and gained rubber powers. Now he and his crew are off to find One Piece, while battling enemies and making new friends along the way.
在 某个海岛小渔村长大。和暂驻在渔村的大海盗红发撒古斯感情 很好,于是一心想成为海盗。眼下的疤痕就是为了显示自己够狠自己用刀划的(果然够狠,汗)。可是路飞7岁时糊里糊涂的吃了海盗们抢来的恶魔果实——橡皮果 实,从此再也学不会游泳。这样还能成为海盗吗?路飞的答案是——只要不掉到海里就可以了(听上去好像很有道理,可是……我真的给这个单细胞的家伙打败 了)。
有一次,为了捍卫海盗的名誉路飞和山贼顶上了,差点丧命,还好海盗们及时赶到。但是路飞被扔到了海里,撒古斯为了救他被凶猛的海兽咬掉了左 臂。(这一段真的好感人 ~~~)
红发撒古斯离开渔村再次出海前,把自己的草帽戴在了路飞头上。“将来你一定要还给我,当你成为出色海盗的时 候!”
Last Updated ( Monday, 08 December 2014 )